If you’re looking for the most varied shades of blue color, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a visual color list with incredible blue shades.

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Shades of blue color
There are more colors in the color wheel than we can count. From brand to popular colors in society, you might find many shades of blue you might not know yet.
Blue is generally a cool color in the spectrum and one of the rarest in nature as there aren’t many naturally blue things.
Yet, this royal shade represents calmness, responsibility, and trustworthiness, among others, in the color symbolism theory.
That’s why we will talk about 99 shades of blue color in today’s article, including their names, hex, RGB, and CMYK codes, which is ideal for designers, students, artists, and anyone who would like to use these blue shades in their designs.
Blue facts: Blue is the most popular favorite color.
Blue shades
Hex #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12
Hex #18A8D8
RGB 24, 168, 216
CMYK 89, 22, 0, 15
RGB 178, 255, 255
CMYK 30, 0, 0, 0
Hex #3F00FF
RGB 63, 0, 255
CMYK 75, 100, 0, 0
Light turquoise
RGB 175, 238, 238
CMYK 26, 0, 0, 7
St Patrick’s Blue
Hex #23297A
RGB 35, 41, 122
CMYK 71, 66, 0, 52
Turquoise blue
Hex #00FFEF
RGB 0, 255, 239
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 0
Medium turquoise
Hex #48D1CC
RGB 72, 209, 204
CMYK 66, 0, 2, 18
Dark turquoise
Hex #00CED1
RGB 0, 206, 209
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 18
Bright turquoise
Hex #08E8DE
RGB 8, 232, 222
CMYK 97, 0, 4, 9
Absolute zero
Hex #1F4AB8
RGB 31, 74, 184
CMYK 83, 60, 0, 28
Powder blue
Hex #B0E0E6
RGB 176, 224, 230
CMYK 23, 3, 0, 10
Sky blue
Hex #ADD8E6
RGB 173, 216, 230
CMYK 25, 6, 0, 10
Columbia blue
Hex #D1EAF0
RGB 209, 234, 240
CMYK 13, 3, 0, 6
Electric blue
Hex #7DF9FF
RGB 125, 249, 255
CMYK 51, 2, 0, 0
Cobalt blue
Hex #0047AB
RGB 0, 71, 171
CMYK 100, 58, 0, 33
Royal Air Force blue
Hex #5D8AA8
RGB 93, 138, 168
CMYK 45, 18, 0, 34
United States Air Force blue
Hex #00308F
RGB 0, 48, 143
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 44
US Air Force Academy blue
Hex #004F98
RGB 0, 79, 152
CMYK 100, 48, 0, 40
Beau blue
Hex #BCD4E6
RGB 188, 212, 230
CMYK 18, 8, 0, 10
Baby blue
Hex #89CFF0
RGB 137, 207, 240
CMYK 43, 14, 0, 6
Baby blue eyes
Hex #A1CAF1
RGB 161, 202, 241
CMYK 33, 16, 0, 5
Little boy blue
Hex #6CA0DC
RGB 108, 160, 220
CMYK 51, 27, 0, 14
Tiffany blue
Hex #81D8D0
RGB 129, 216, 208
CMYK 40, 0, 4, 15
Steel blue
Hex #4682B4
RGB 70, 130, 180
CMYK 61, 28, 0, 29
Carolina blue
Hex #4B9CD3
RGB 75, 156, 211
CMYK 64, 26, 0, 17
Cadet blue
Hex #4F97A3
RGB 79, 151, 1 63
CMYK 52, 7, 0, 36
Maya blue
Hex #73C2FB
RGB 115, 194, 251
CMYK 54, 23, 0, 2
Hex #008080
RGB 0, 128, 12 8
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
Independence blue
Hex #4C516D
RGB 76, 81, 109
CMYK 30, 26, 0, 57
Cornflower blue
Hex #6495ED
RGB 100, 149, 237
CMYK 58, 37, 0 ,7
Sapphire blue
Hex #0F52BA
RGB 15, 82, 186
CMYK 92, 56, 0, 27
Medium sapphire
Hex #2D5DA1
RGB 45, 93, 161
CMYK 72, 42, 0, 37
Robbin’s egg
Hex #00D8D8
RGB 0, 216, 216
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 15
Bdazzled blue
Hex #2E5894
RGB 46, 88, 148
CMYK 69, 41, 0, 42
Blue sapphire
Hex #126180
RGB 18, 97, 128
CMYK 86, 24, 0, 50
Dark sapphire
Hex #082567
RGB 8, 37, 103
CMYK 92, 64, 0, 60
Hex #007FFF
RGB 0, 127, 255
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 0
Egyptian blue
Hex #1034A6
RGB 16, 52, 166
CMYK 90, 69, 0, 35
Yale blue
Hex #00356B
RGB 0, 53, 107
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 58
Navy blue (dark blue)
Hex #000080
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 50
Prussian blue
Hex #003153
RGB 0, 49, 83
CMYK 100, 41, 0, 67
Space cadet
Hex #1D2951
RGB 29, 41, 8 1
CMYK 64, 49, 0, 68
Royal blue
Hex #002366
RGB 0, 35, 102
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60
Queen blue
Hex #436B95
RGB 67, 107, 149
CMYK 55, 28, 0, 42
Imperial blue
Hex #005A92
RGB 0, 90, 146
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 43
Lavender blue
RGB 204, 204, 255
CMYK 20, 20, 0, 0
Midnight blue
Hex #191970
RGB 25, 25, 112
CMYK 78, 78, 0, 56
Morning blue
Hex #84AEAC
RGB 141, 163, 1 53
CMYK 24, 0, 1, 32
Uranian blue
RGB 175, 219, 245
CMYK 29, 11, 0, 4
Fluorescent blue
Hex #15F4EE
RGB 21, 244, 2 38
CMYK 91, 0, 2, 4
Ruddy blue
Hex #76ABDF
RGB 118, 171, 223
CMYK 47, 23, 0, 13
Aqua blue
Hex #00FFFF
RGB 0, 255, 255
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0
Air superiority blue
Hex #72A0C1
RGB 114, 160, 193
CMYK 41, 17, 0, 24
Capri blue
Hex #00BFFF
RGB 0, 191, 255
CMYK 100, 25, 0, 0
Denim blue
Hex #1560BD
RGB 21, 96, 189
CMYK 89, 49, 0, 26
Indigo dye
Hex #00416A
RGB 0, 65, 106
CMYK 100, 39, 0, 58
International klein blue
Hex #002fA7
RGB 0, 47, 167
CMYK 100, 72, 0, 35
French blue
Hex #0077C0
RGB 0, 119, 192
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 25
Royal blue dark
Hex #002D72
RGB 0, 45, 114
CMYK 100, 61, 0, 55
Blue RYB
Hex #4D4DFF
RGB 77, 77, 255
CMYK 70, 70, 0, 0
Blue Munsell
Hex #0093AF
RGB 0, 147, 175
CMYK 100, 16, 0, 31
Pacific blue
Hex #1CA9C9
RGB 28, 169, 201
CMYK 86, 16, 0, 21
Oxford blue
Hex #002147
RGB 0, 33, 71
CMYK 100, 54, 0, 72
Persian blue
Hex #1C39BB
RGB 28, 57, 187
CMYK 85, 70, 0, 27
Y In Mn blue
Hex #224C98
RGB 34, 76, 152
CMYK 78, 50, 0, 40
Slate blue
Hex #6A5ACD
RGB 106, 90, 205
CMYK 48, 56, 0, 20
Spanish blue
Hex #0070BB
RGB 0, 112, 187
CMYK 100, 40, 0, 27
Tufts blue
Hex #3E8EDE
RGB 62, 142, 222
CMYK 72, 36, 0, 13
Blizzard blue
RGB 172, 229, 238
CMYK 28, 4, 0, 7
Blue green
Hex #0D98BA
RGB 13, 152, 186
CMYK 93, 18, 0, 27
Maximum blue
Hex #47ABCC
RGB 71, 171, 204
CMYK 65, 16, 0, 20
Celadon blue
Hex #007BA7
RGB 0, 123, 167
CMYK 100, 26, 0, 35
Honolulu blue
Hex #006DB0
RGB 0, 109, 176
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 31
Pewter blue
Hex #8BA8B7
RGB 139, 168, 183
CMYK 24, 8, 0, 28
Blue jeans
RGB 93, 173, 236
CMYK 61, 27, 0, 7
Dark electric blue
Hex #536878
RGB 83, 104, 120
CMYK 31, 13, 0, 53
Alice blue
Hex #F0F8FF
RGB 240, 248, 255
CMYK 6, 3, 0, 0
Blue gray
Hex #6699CC
RGB 102, 153, 204
CMYK 50, 25, 0, 20
Dodger blue
Hex #1E90FF
RGB 30, 144, 255
CMYK 88, 44, 0, 0
True blue
Hex #2D68C4
RGB 45, 104, 196
CMYK 77, 47, 0, 23
Han blue
Hex #446CCF
RGB 68, 108, 207
CMYK 67, 48, 0, 19
Resolution blue
Hex #002387
RGB 0, 35, 135
CMYK 100, 74, 0, 47
Phthalo blue
Hex #000F89
RGB 0, 15, 137
CMYK 100, 89, 0, 46
Picotee blue
Hex #2E2787
RGB 46, 39, 135
CMYK 66, 71, 0, 47
Trypan blue
Hex #1C05B3
RGB 28, 5, 179
CMYK 84, 97, 0, 30
Star command blue
Hex #007BB8
RGB 0, 123, 184
CMYK 100, 33, 0, 28
Light cyan
RGB 224, 255, 255
CMYK 12, 0, 0, 0
Vivid blue sky
Hex #00CCFF
RGB 0, 204, 255
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 0
Shadow blue
Hex #7285A5
RGB 114, 133, 165
CMYK 31, 19, 0, 35
Blue NCS
Hex #008ECC
RGB 0, 142, 204
CMYK 100, 30, 0, 20
Cerulean blue
Hex #2A52BE
RGB 42, 82, 190
CMYK 78, 57, 0, 25
Cerulean frost
Hex #6D9BC3
RGB 109, 155, 195
CMYK 44, 21, 0, 24
Pale cerulean
Hex #9BC4E2
RGB 155, 196, 226
CMYK 31, 13, 0, 11
Cerulean crayola
Hex #1DACD6
RGB 29, 172, 214
CMYK 86, 20, 0, 16
Violet blue
Hex #324AB2
RGB 50, 74, 178
CMYK 72, 58, 0, 30
Ocean blue
Hex #3C41CD
RGB 238, 59, 52
CMYK 71, 68, 0, 20
Glaucous blue
Hex #324AB2
RGB 215, 48, 56
CMYK 72, 58, 0, 30
Bleu de France
Hex #388AD6
RGB 209, 66, 53
CMYK 74, 36, 0, 16
Brief history of blue
If you think about it, there are not that many blue things in nature.
Most people do not have blue eyes, blue flowers do not occur naturally (other pigments and plant minerals combine with light to create the color you see as “blue”), and blue animals are quite rare. The sky is blue—or is it?
Only about 6,000 years ago, humans began to develop blue colorants. Back then, the semiprecious stone Lapis became highly prized among the Egyptians—they idolized this mineral’s bright blue color.
They combined the rare Lapis stone with limestone and calcium to produce other saturated blue pigments to make blue. It was at this time that an Egyptian word for “blue” emerged.
Slowly but steady, the Egyptians spread their beautiful blue dyes throughout the world, passing them on to the Persians, Mesoamericans, and Romans.
However, the blue dyes were expensive because of their rarity, so only royalty could afford them. That’s the reason why the color blue remained rare for many centuries.
Color palette blue
These are some lovely blue color palettes to inspire your designs or decoration ideas.
Summer vibes

Mysterious horizon


Surf time

Gliding away

Most popular shades of blue color
As the world’s most trendy color, blue is present in most people’s lives in at least one of these different shades below.
The color turquoise refers to the gemstone of the same name, and it has many shades, ranging from light blue to almost green, as seen above.
Navy is a shade of blue named after the British Royal Navy officers’ uniform in 1748.
Sky is a shade of blue that is frequently called baby blue or light blue. Before pink and blue were girls’ and boys’ colors, Sky blue was used to represent girls.
Royal blue was a color created for the dress of Queen Charlotte of England in the 19th century.
Baby blue is the official color of the Argentinean national flag.
What are the different shades of blue color?
The most popular shades of blue include turquoise, cyan, royal blue, midnight blue, ultramarine, baby blue, and navy.
What is the prettiest shade of blue?
Although favorite colors are personal, ultramarine is a color acclaimed, especially in the fashion realm, for its bold and deep look.
What is the darkest color blue?
Midnight blue is darker than navy blue and generally considered the deepest shade of blue, one so dark that it might be mistaken for black.
What is the lightest color blue?
Columbia blue (#D1EAF0) is a pastel color lighter than the famous light blue (#ADD8E6).
What is the hex code of blue color?
The hex code of the purest blue is #0000FF.
What is the RGB code of blue color?
The RGB code of the purest blue is 0, 0, 255.
What is the CMYK code of blue color?
The CMYK code of the purest blue is 100, 100, 0, 0.
Wrapping up on shades of blue color
Whether you’re looking for a beautiful shade of blue for your design or website, the comprehensive list above probably gave you lots of ideas to work with.
Beyond that, there are some pretty interesting blue color names that are worth learning about just because they are cool.
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Saturday 5th of November 2022
Why is everything have blue in it? Also thank you I can learn new color from this!
Friday 21st of October 2022
I did not know there were so many colors of blue. This was very informative, thanks for sharing with us.
larry Banks
Thursday 5th of May 2022
Such a variety of colors!
Thursday 5th of May 2022
Very helpful
Ruthie Harris
Friday 7th of January 2022
Send a sample of Arctic, paled turquoise, Celeste, Columbia blue, light cyan. Would like to see side by side so I can tell which color I really like. Thanks