Whether you’re looking for impactful shades of red color for your website, logo, or design, you came to the right place—this comprehensive list of pretty red shades is all you’ll need!
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Shades of red color
There is a clear link between color and brand identity. Brands that wish to convey security usually opt for blue, while food (consumption) and retail (impulse) brands often go for shades of red color.
Because of its bold representations, red is not among most people’s favorite colors, but it certainly is in most businesses out there.
In the meaning of the colors, red symbolizes action, physical stimulation, and energy, which may exactly what you’re looking to convey in your design.
In today’s article, we’ll talk about 99 shades of red color together with their names, hex, RGB, CMYK codes to make it easier for you.
Red facts: In ancient Egypt, red ochre was used, among others, for women to color their lips and cheeks because red had associations with life, health, and victory in Egyptian culture.
Red shades
Hex #960018
RGB 150, 0, 24
CMYK 0, 100, 84, 41
Hex #8D021F
RGB 141, 2, 31
CMYK 0, 99, 78, 45
Vivid burgundy
Hex #9F1D35
RGB 159, 29, 53
CMYK 0, 82, 67, 38
Hex #FF2400
RGB 255, 36, 0
CMYK 0, 86, 100, 0
Hex #D21F3C
RGB 210, 31, 60
CMYK 0, 85, 71, 18
OU crimson red
Hex #841617
RGB 132, 22, 23
CMYK 0, 83, 83, 48
Crimson UA
Hex #9E1B32
RGB 158, 27, 50
CMYK 0, 83, 68, 38
Hex #E30B5D
RGB 184, 15, 10
CMYK 0, 95 ,59, 11
Barn red
Hex #7C0A02
RGB 124, 10, 2
CMYK 0, 92, 98, 51
Chinese red
Hex #933A16
RGB 147, 58, 22
CMYK 0, 61, 85, 42
Rusty red
Hex #DA2C43
RGB 147, 58, 22
CMYK 0, 80, 69, 15
Imperial red
Hex #ED2939
RGB 237, 41, 57
CMYK 0, 83, 76, 7
Hex #D9381E
RGB 217, 56, 30
CMYK 0, 74, 86, 15
Light salmon
Hex #FFA07A
RGB 255, 160, 122
CMYK 0, 37, 52, 0
Hex #FA8072
RGB 250, 128, 114
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2
Dark salmon
Hex #E9967A
RGB 233, 150, 122
CMYK 0, 36, 48, 9
Light coral
Hex #F08080
RGB 240, 128, 128
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 6
Candy apple
Hex #FF0800
RGB 255, 8, 0
CMYK 0, 97, 100, 0
Medium candy apple
Hex #E2062C
RGB 226, 6, 44
CMYK 0, 97, 81, 11
Red crayola
Hex #EA3C53
RGB 234, 60, 83
CMYK 0, 74, 65, 8
Hex #C04000
RGB 192, 64, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 25
Persian plum
Hex #5E1914
RGB 94, 25, 20
CMYK 0, 73, 79, 63
Rose red
Hex #B43757
RGB 180, 55, 87
CMYK 0, 69, 52, 29
Indian red
Hex #CD5C5C
RGB 205, 92, 92
CMYK 0, 55, 55, 20
Hex #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0
Hex #A45A52
RGB 164, 90, 82
CMYK 0, 45, 50, 36
Chili red
Hex #C21807
RGB 194, 24, 7
CMYK 0, 88, 96, 24
Hex #CA0123
RGB 202, 1, 35
CMYK 0, 100, 83, 21
Prismatic red
Hex #D03D33
RGB 208, 61, 51
CMYK 0, 71, 75, 18
Prismatic legacy
Hex #BA1607
RGB 186, 22, 7
CMYK 0, 88, 96, 27
Hex #FF3C28
RGB 255, 60, 40
CMYK 0, 76, 84, 0
Fire brick
Hex #B22222
RGB 178, 34, 34
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 30
Light red
RGB 255, 203, 203
CMYK 0, 20, 20, 0
Hex #FF0000
RGB 255, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0
Dark red
Hex #8B0000
RGB 139, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 45
Hex #E0115F
RGB 224, 17, 95
CMYK 0, 92, 58, 12
Ruby red
Hex #9B111E
RGB 155, 17, 30
CMYK 0, 89, 81, 39
Antique ruby
Hex #841B2D
RGB 132, 27, 45
CMYK 0, 80, 66, 48
USA flag
Hex #BF0A30
RGB 191, 10, 48
CMYK 0, 95, 75, 25
Hex #800000
RGB 128, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 50
Bright brick
Hex #CB4154
RGB 203, 65, 84
CMYK 0, 68, 59, 20
Hex #7E2811
RGB 126, 40, 17
CMYK 0, 68, 87, 51
Persian red
Hex #CA3433
RGB 202, 52, 51
CMYK 0, 74, 75, 21
Orange red
Hex #FF4500
RGB 255, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 73, 100, 0
Hex #FF2800
RGB 255, 40, 0
CMYK 0, 84, 100, 0
Hex #790604
RGB 121, 6, 4
CMYK 0, 95, 97, 53
Hex #722F37
RGB 114, 47, 55
CMYK 0, 59, 52, 55
Munsell red
Hex #F2003C
RGB 242, 0, 60
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 5
Hex #FC7676
RGB 252, 118, 118
CMYK 0, 53, 53, 1
Carnelian red
Hex #B31B1B
RGB 179, 27, 27
CMYK 0, 85, 85, 30
Coke red
Hex #F40009
RGB 244, 0, 9
CMYK0, 100, 96, 4
Hex #65000B
RGB 101, 0, 11
CMYK 0, 100, 89, 60
Fuzzy wuzzy
Hex #DE6363
RGB 222, 99, 99
CMYK 0, 100, 89, 60
Rose Madder
Hex #E32636
RGB 227, 38, 54
CMYK 0, 83, 76, 11
Hex #AD3D3C
RGB 173, 61, 60
CMYK 0, 65, 65, 32
Hex #7B3539
RGB 123, 52, 57
CMYK 0, 57, 54, 52
Violet red
Hex #F75394
RGB 247, 83, 148
CMYK 0, 66, 40, 3
Medium violet red
Hex #C71585
RGB 199, 21 ,133
CMYK 0, 89, 33, 22
Red violet crayola
Hex #C0448F
RGB 192, 68, 143
CMYK 0, 65, 26, 25
Red violet color wheel
Hex #922B3E
RGB 146, 43, 62
CMYK 0, 71, 58, 43
Maximum red
Hex #D92121
RGB 217, 33, 33
CMYK 0, 85, 85, 15
Red purple
Hex #E40078
RGB 228, 0, 120
CMYK 0, 100, 47, 11
Middle red purple
Hex #A55353
RGB 165, 83, 83
CMYK 0, 50, 50, 35
Maximum red purple
Hex #A63A79
RGB 166, 58, 121
CMYK 0, 65, 27, 35
Rubine red
Hex #D10056
RGB 209, 0, 86
CMYK 0, 100, 59, 18
UA red
Hex #D9004C
RGB 217, 0,76
CMYK 0, 100, 65, 15
Radical red
Hex #FF355E
RGB 255, 53, 94
CMYK 0, 79, 63, 0
Spanish carmine
Hex #D10047
RGB 209, 0, 71
CMYK 0, 100, 66, 18
Spanish red
Hex #E60026
RGB 230, 0, 38
CMYK 0, 100, 83, 10
Cadmium red
Hex #E30022
RGB 227, 0, 34
CMYK 0, 100, 85, 11
Sizzling red
Hex #FF3855
RGB 255, 56, 85
CMYK 0, 78, 67, 0
Red salsa
Hex #FD3A4A
RGB 253, 58, 74
CMYK 0, 77, 71, 1
Hex #E52B50
RGB 229, 43, 80
CMYK 0, 81, 65, 10
Amaranth red
Hex #D3212D
RGB 211, 33, 45
CMYK 0, 84, 79, 17
English red
Hex #AB4B52
RGB 171, 75, 82
CMYK 0, 56, 52, 33
English vermilion
Hex #CC474B
RGB 204, 71, 75
CMYK 0, 65, 63, 20
Upsdell red
Hex #AE2029
RGB 174, 32, 41
CMYK 0, 82, 76, 32
Venetian red
Hex #C80815
RGB 200, 8, 21
CMYK 0, 96, 89, 22
Fire engine red
Hex #CE2029
RGB 206, 32 ,41
CMYK 0, 84, 80, 19
Red pigment
Hex #ED1C24
RGB 237, 28, 36
CMYK 0, 88, 85, 7
Blood red
Hex #660000
RGB 102, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 60
Falu red
Hex #7E191B
RGB 126, 25, 27
CMYK 0, 80, 79, 51
Tuscan red
Hex #7C4848
RGB 124, 72, 72
CMYK 0, 42, 42, 51
CG red
Hex #E03C31
RGB 224, 60, 49
CMYK 0, 73, 78, 12
Copper red
Hex #CB6D51
RGB 203, 109, 81
CMYK 0, 46, 60, 20
Hex #C40233
RGB 196, 2, 51
CMYK 0, 99, 74, 23
Hex #B7410E
RGB 183, 65, 14
CMYK 0, 64, 92, 28
Hex #E34234
RGB 227, 66, 52
CMYK 0, 71, 77, 11
Candy red
Hex #F36870
RGB 243, 104, 112
CMYK 0, 57, 54, 5
Permanent geranium lake
Hex #E4181E
RGB 228, 24, 30
CMYK 0, 89, 87, 11
Hex #A91101
RGB 169, 17, 1
CMYK 0, 90, 99, 34
Terra cotta
Hex #E2725B
RGB 226, 114, 91
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 11
French raspberry
Hex #BC3F4A
RGB 188, 63, 74
CMYK 0, 66, 61, 26
Rosso corsa
Hex #CC0000
RGB 204, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 20
Hex #BD3039
RGB 189, 48, 57
CMYK 0, 75, 70, 26
Hex #FE6F5E
RGB 254, 111, 94
CMYK 0, 56, 63, 0
Fire opal
Hex #E95C4B
RGB 233, 92, 75
CMYK 0, 61, 68, 9
Hex #A52A2A
RGB 165, 42, 42
CMYK 0, 75, 75, 35
Hex #7F1734
RGB 127, 23, 52
CMYK 0, 82, 59, 50
History of red
Red ochre is one of the oldest forms of red and it was traced back to the Late Stone Age.
Along with black and white, red was one of the few colors used by artists in the Paleolithic Age because red things are easily obtainable in nature, unlike blue.
Researches found this red material from excavations in Maastricht, The Netherlands, which date between 200-250 kya (thousand years ago).
Also in ancient China and Egypt, the color red was prominent in pottery and was even found inside King Tut’s tomb.
Color palette red
These are some lovely red color palettes to inspire your designs or give you some bold decoration ideas.
Ruby love
Cherry vibes
Summer flavors
Pome bubbles
Holly Molly berries
Most popular shades of red color
As one of the most popular colors, red is present in most people’s lives in at least one of these different shades below.
Vermilion is mainly used by women in Hindu culture and was widely used in the art and decoration of Ancient Rome, Renaissance, and China, and in the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages.
As an element of classification of wines, this color is derived from this dark-colored grape beverage.
Scarlet is a brilliant red color and is slightly less orange than vermilion.
In Western societies, this color is often associated with passion, heat, courage, force, and joy.
While it can be related to the blood of Christ, it is also associated with immorality and sin, mainly because of the usage of this color in the Bible referring to “The Great Harlot,” “dressed in purple and scarlet.”
Ruby is a shade of red that is a color representation of the cut and polished ruby gemstone’s appearance. The first documented use of ruby as a color name in English was in 1572.
Carmine is a pigment obtained from certain female scale insects, the cochineal, that are native to tropical and subtropical America. The first documented use of carmine as a color name in English was in 1523.
What are the different shades of red color?
While red is a relatively common color in our lives, especially in marketing, the most popular shades of red include burgundy, carmine, vermilion, barn red, wine, and scarlet.
What is the prettiest shade of red?
Obviously, there is no consensus about the pretties red shade. Still, the lovely crimson, a red shade with brown undertones, has an earthy brick feel and is often used in designs.
Is red a warm or cool color?
Both. Reds with a yellow bias, such as the Permanent Geranium Lake #DA2829, are considered warm, while reds with a blue bias, such as Quinacridone Magenta #8E3A59, are considered cool.
What is the darkest color red?
Dark sienna #330000 is arguably the darkest shade of red.
What is the lightest color red?
Light red #FFCBCB is the lightest shade of red.
Is light red pink?
While light red and pink are very similar, they are not the same. Namely, light red shades have equal parts of green and blue, on the other hand, pink shades have more blue than green.
What is the hex code of red color?
The hex code of true red is #FF0000.
What is the RGB code of red color?
The RGB code of true red is 255, 0, 0.
What is the CMYK code of red color?
The CMYK code of true red is 0, 100, 100, 0.
Wrapping up on the shades of red color
Whether you’re looking for a bold shade of red for your website or design, the complete list above probably gave you lots of great ideas to work with.
Beyond that, there are some pretty cool red color names that are worth learning about just because they are interesting.
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