Unlike blue, yellow is one of the most common colors in nature. When you walk in a forest, chances are you will spot lots of yellow things.
It turns out the color of happiness and creativity is incredibly common among plants but also in animals and even foods.
Because this is such an interesting subject, we decided to put together this list of things that are yellow in nature. Can you guess what they are?
As said, we have only listed things that are naturally yellow, so you won’t find an item that has had a color modification. Are you curious yet? Then read on!
What is associated with yellow?
The uplifting yellow is often associated with bright and happy things like smileys, toys, and warmth.
Still, it also is a color that urges caution, warning about dangers ahead, like in traffic signals.
Beyond that, yellow flares up the imagination and creativity, giving room to new ideas. As the color of light, yellow is also associated with deities and high ranking position in many religions.
A visual list of things that are yellow
This is a massive list of yellow things that you can find around the world, from food to animals. Enjoy!
Yellow things
1. Saturn

Saturn – The second largest planet in the solar system, Saturn has a pale yellow color.
2. Sun

Sun – Found at the center of the solar system, this star has a brilliant, golden yellow color.
3. Amber

Amber – A beautiful golden yellow gemstone appreciated for its beauty, it is used to make jewelry.
4. Citrine

Citrine – A unique variety of quartz gemstone, its color ranges from transparent yellow to vibrant golden yellow.
5. Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire – A lemon yellow variety of Sapphire, it is a rare and expensive gemstone.
6. Gold

Gold – People highly prize this mineral because of its beautiful color, rareness, and resistance to tarnish.
7. Honeycomb

Honeycomb – Built by bees to store honey and pollen, honeycombs are golden yellow and are edible.
Yellow animals
8. Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang – An oval-shaped saltwater fish with vibrant yellow color, it is a very popular aquarium fish.
9. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch – A small migratory bird that forages in the weeds, it has prominent beautiful yellow feathers.
10. Banana Slug

Banana Slug – Native to North America, these slugs are mostly bright yellow and often look like bananas.
11. American Yellow Warbler

American Yellow Warbler – Commonly seen in North and South America, this species of warblers has a bright yellow color.
12. Hoverfly

Hoverfly – Also known as flower flies, these yellow and black flies feed on pollen and nectar.
13. Golden Poison Frog

Golden Poison Frog – Endemic to Colombia, this poisonous frog is one of the yellow things in nature.
14. Blue and Yellow Macaw

Blue and Yellow Macaw – Also called New World Parrots, this beautiful bird has a bright yellow underbelly and lives mostly in the Amazon Rainforest.
15. Ghost Crab

Ghost Crab – Mostly found on the seashore, these crabs have yellow shells and eat small animals.
16. Eyelash Viper

Eyelash Viper – A venomous pit snake, it camouflages to blend with its environment and is mostly yellow in color.
17. Clouded Sulphur

Clouded Sulphur – Also called common sulphur, this butterfly has a pale yellow color with black spots.
18. Yellowjacker

Yellowjacker – One of the most aggressive yellow things, these wasps have a yellow and black color.
19. Goldenrod Crab Spider

Goldenrod Crab Spider – Their colors range from pale to bright yellow, and they feed on plants and insects.
20. Fire Salamander

Fire Salamander – A common salamander species, they are mostly black with yellow spots and are fire-resistant due to its venom.
21. Cockatiel

Cockatiel – A small parrot with pale yellow feathers, the cockatiel is an excellent pet for kids.
22. Burmese Python

Burmese Python – The most popular python species, some have a pale yellow color. They are not poisonous.
23. Panamanian Golden Frog

Panamanian Golden Frog – Mostly found in Panama, they are bright yellow with black spots that are very toxic.
24. Yellow Aphids

Yellow Aphids – A sap-sucking insect, yellow aphids move in groups and are bright yellow in color.
25. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever – Known for their exuberance, loyalty, and obedience, some have a cream, yellowish, luxurious fur.
26. Yellow Common Seahorse

Yellow Common Seahorse – Also called sea pony, they are mostly found in saltwater and have a bright yellow color.
27. Golden Apple Snail

Apple Snail – A toxic freshwater snail with a beautifully patterned yellow shell that resembles an apple.
28. Yellow Ladybug

Yellow Ladybug – A bright yellow version of the red ladybug, it is yellow with black spots.
29. Pacific Sea Nettle

Pacific sea nettle – One of the yellow things that live in the Pacific Ocean, this sea nettle has a brownish-yellow bell.
30. Asian Golden Weaver

Asian golden weaver – Mostly found in tropical swamplands, it is a bright, golden yellow bird with black beaks.
31. Yellow-Throated Marten

Yellow-throated marten – Native to Asia, the marten has bright yellow flanks and belly area and is omnivorous.
32. Sun Conure Parrot

Sun conure parrot – Typical of parrots, this bird has a predominant brilliant yellow plumage. They are great pets.
33. Yellow Anaconda

Yellow anaconda – One of the giant snakes in the world, it has bright yellow scales with brown patterns.
34. Cape Weaver

Cape weaver – Found in South Africa, this is one of the most beautiful yellow things in nature.
35. Yellow Armadillo

Yellow armadillo – Known for their pointed, flatheads, it has large brownish-yellow plates that form a shell.
36. Black-Crested Bulbul

Black-crested bulbul – A beautiful greenish-yellow bird found in Asia, it has a curved crest on its head.
37. Yellow Budgerigar

Yellow budgerigar – A beautiful species of parakeets, it has bright yellow plumage with black markings around the neck.
38. Yellow Golden Pheasant

Yellow golden pheasant – A yellow species of the red golden pheasant, this bird has bright, golden yellow feathers.
39. Golden Palm Weaver

Golden palm weaver – A beautiful small songbird with orange-yellow plumage, it is native to East Africa.
40. White-Tailed Bumblebee

White-tailed bumblebee – Typical of bees, it is a yellow and black species that has a whitetail.
41. Lesser Yellownape

Lesser Yellownape – While its body is green, this woodpecker has a bright yellow nape that is beautiful and hard to miss.
42. Golden Conure

Golden conure – Native Brazilian parakeet with bright yellow plumage, these rare birds are exquisitely beautiful and smart.
43. American Yellow Pacific Parrotlet

American Yellow Pacific Parrotlet – Also called pocket parrots, they are small, intelligent, and colorful. They sometimes have bright yellow plumage.
44. Mexican Yellow Grosbeak

Mexican yellow grosbeak – It has a beautiful bright yellow color with black wings. It feeds on seeds.
45. Chick

Chick – A newly-hatched young bird, their colors vary from cream to bright yellow.
46. Canary

Canary – A small, beautiful, brightly colored songbird, they range from greenish-yellow to orange-yellow.
47. Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Tiger swallowtail butterfly – It feeds on tulip leaves and has a bright yellow color with beautiful black patterns.
Yellow plants
48. Corydalis

Corydalis – A herbal plant with bright yellow flowers, it is used as a mild sedative.
49. Dahlia

Dahlia – The yellow species is called yellow star and has a buttery, rich yellow color.
50. Golden Shield Lichen

Golden shield lichen – Mostly found in sunny places, this striking fungus has a bright yellow color.
51. Impatiens

Impatiens – One of the prettiest yellow things in nature, this low growing, creeping plant has bright yellow flowers.
52. Yellow Iris

Yellow iris – Also called the yellow flag, the yellow iris is a water plant that bears tall, bright yellow flowers.
53. Hollyhock

Hollyhock – Also called Russian Yellow, this plant has bright, yellow flowers and blooms through late summer.
54. Yellow Tulip

Yellow tulip – Creamy yellow cup-shaped bulb flowers that symbolize cheerfulness and happiness. They bloom in spring.
55. Acacia

Acacia – A sturdy tree, its fragrant flowers are bright yellow and bloom in spring and summer.
56. Daffodil

Daffodil – A bright, creamy yellow flower with six petals and a trumpet-shaped corona. They bloom in winter.
57. Goldenrod

Goldenrod – Also known as Solidago, it has bright yellow flowers and is found in meadows and savannahs.
58. Daylily

Daylily – A flowering plant bred for its attractive flowers, its petals are bright yellow, rimmed with orange.
59. Primrose

Primrose – A large, bowl-shaped beautiful bright yellow flower that blooms at night and has a lemon-scented fragrance.
60. Dandelion

Dandelion – A herb plant with beautiful yellow flowers. It is highly antioxidant, relaxing, and nutritious.
61. Marigold

Marigold – An ornamental, lemon-yellow, ball-shaped flower. It is fragrant and blooms up till mid-fall.
62. Graham Thomas Rose

Graham Thomas Rose – A unique climbing rose with a rich yellow shade, this rose has a light fragrance.
63. Craspedia

Craspedia – Also known as woolly heads or Billy Buttons, this plant has brilliant yellow flowers shaped like drumsticks.
64. Coreopsis

Coreopsis – Also known as tickseed, these clumps of bright yellow flowers are mostly seen in early summer.
65. Carolina Jessamine

Carolina Jessamine – A twining vine plant with bright yellow flowers, it is seen along fences or under trees.
66. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum – An early autumn bloom with beautiful yellow flowers, it is bred for ornamental purposes.
67. Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan – A species of sunflowers, this wildflower features cherry yellow blooms and is seen in open fields.
68. Begonia

Begonia – Also called Nonstop Yellow, this flower blooms all year round. Its bulbs are magnificent.
69. Golden Trumpet Tree

Golden trumpet tree – A small tree native to Brazil, its spreading canopy features dazzling bright yellow flowers.
70. Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Daisy – Sunny yellow flowers with a black eye in the center. It is a species of daisies.
71. Yellow Pansy

Yellow pansy – Also known as the California golden violet, it is a wildflower with golden yellow blooms.
72. Sunflower

Sunflower – Top on the list of things that are yellow, Sunflowers have brilliant sun yellow petals.
73. Ranunculus

Ranunculus – A tuberous flowering plant, it has large rose-like yellow buds. It is also called buttercup.
74. Yarrow

Yarrow – Herbal plant with beautiful yellow flowers, it blooms in clusters and cures several ailments.
75. Bird-of-Paradise

Bird-of-Paradise – Regal, orange-yellow crane-like flowers similar to the birds-of-paradise birds, they are planted for their ornamental features.
76. Hellebores

Hellebores – Also called Lenten Rose, it has double layered pale yellow flowers. Its petals sometimes have red spots.
77. Yellow Rose

Yellow Rose – Commonly known as Lady Banks, these a brilliant, butter-yellow species of rose flowers.
78. Yellow Butterfly Bush

Yellow Butterfly Bush – Beautiful sunny yellow flower with an orange center, it blooms through late summer.
79. Dutch Yellow Hyacinth

Dutch Yellow Hyacinth – Known for its exquisite fragrance, this soft primrose yellow flower is also called Yellow Queen.
Foods that are yellow
80. Egg Yolk

Egg yolk – One of the most common yellow things in nature, it is the most nutritious part of an egg.
81. Banana

Banana – Top on the list of yellow things, it is a long, edible fruit rich in potassium.
82. Lemon

Lemon – An edible yellow fragrant citrus fruit of a flowering plant, it is rich in vitamin C.
83. Pattypan squash

Pattypan squash – Pattypan squash is another delicious yellow thing on this list. It basically is a small, round, and shallow variety of summer squash.
84. Siriguela

Siriguela – A small fragrant yellow fruit native to Brazil, it is used to make cocktails and pastries.
85. Yellow Bell Pepper

Yellow bell pepper – A sweet pepper of the bell pepper family, it is flavorful and has a brilliant yellow color.
86. Yellow Kiwi

Yellow Kiwi – Also called golden kiwifruit, it has a bright yellow, juicy flesh with small black seeds.
87. Potato

Potato – With pale yellow skin a golden yellow flesh, this root vegetable has a buttery, smooth flavor.
88. Yellow Tomato

Yellow Tomato – A sweeter variety of tomatoes, they are bright yellow, meatier, and bigger in size.
89. Pear

Pear – A fibrous, fragrant, sweet fruit, its color ranges from pale yellow to bright yellow.
90. Melon

Melon – An edible fleshy fruit, most species have fibrous, edible, yellow flesh while some have bright yellow skins.
91. Golden Honeydew Melon

Yellow honeydew melon – Similar in shape and size to the honeydew fruit, this melon has bright yellow skin.
92. Pineapple

Pineapple – A tropical plant with sweet, juicy, fibrous, bright yellow flesh. It is native to South America.
93. Starfruit

Starfruit – Shaped like a star, this sweet and sour fruit has a bright yellow color when fully ripened.
94. Summer Squash

Summer Squash – It is a bright yellow, edible squash, and a power-packed vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals.
95. Yellow Fig

Yellow Fig – Also known as Conadria, these figs are thick-skinned and turn greenish-yellow when fully ripened.
96. Passionfruit

Passionfruit – Egg-shaped with thick skin, this fruit has a sweet, floral taste and is rich in vitamins.
97. Mango

Mango – A tropical stone fruit, it has orange-yellow skin and delicious, fibrous golden yellow flesh.
98. Yellow Dragon Fruit

Yellow Dragon fruit – It is the sweetest dragon fruit species and has bright yellow skin and white flesh.
99. White Asparagus

White Asparagus – A sweeter and softer species of asparagus, it has a pale yellow color.
100. Corn

Corn – A starchy cereal grain, it is fibrous and has a brilliant golden yellow color.
101. Loquat

Loquat – These orange-yellow colored small fruits grow in clusters and have a citrus taste.
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